This is something we’ve been talking about and mulling over for a good long while. Initially the plan was to give all our music away for free (we’ve done that up to now), and while that may happen for ‘Myopic’ we’re definitely entertaining some alternatives – choose your price, setting minimum prices etc etc.
So why are we considering charging you at all? Well…
The key theme of the EP is environmental and centres specifically around species biodiversity so we figure we should put all our efforts and your patronage to a worthy and appropriate cause. We’re currently short-listing a few charities and hope to decide soon. Suggestions welcome, especially if you are affiliated with them.

The extinct Quagga!
The one thing we’ve decided for sure it that we’re going to give you the option to contribute to a worthy cause and own some brand new Defy The Ocean tracks.

Deforestation in the Amazon is just one of many causes of damage to species biodiversity
In terms of what pricing we’re going to put the EP at we’re leaning towards a “name your own price” model where you choose how much to give, all of which will go to the charity we’ve chosen. We may or may not set a minimum (and absurdly low) amount, that’s to be decided/announced.
If you have any thoughts on species biodiversity or our decision to turn this into a charity EP let us know.
More soon!
Chris & Marcos