Debut track ‘Place Your Bets’ free download

Category: Uncategorized

We’ve been working hard for the past year to bring you some great music and the time has come to release our debut track “Place Your Bets”. It’s available for free download by clicking here. We hope you don’t mind providing us with your email address which we’ll keep between us.

We’d also like to give a big shout out to Jo Pole who’s designed all of the Defy The Ocean artwork for the site and the cover art for ‘Place Your Bets’. We suggest you subscribe to her blog.

We think the cover art speaks closely to the themes of ‘Place Your Bets’ which we’ll leave you to work out for yourselves (or may go into at a later date).

If you enjoyed ‘Place Your Bets’ please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter where we’ll keep you up to date with new releases including our forthcoming EP.

We’re planning to release new tracks regularly with the EP (as of yet untitled) early in the new year.

Stay tuned…